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Ayabe tourist guide - Ayabe Tourist Association


Oriental Paperbush and Fringed Iris Forest

In Oitomi, a village at the source of a river, from late March to mid-April, dainty yellow mitsumata (Oriental paperbushes) fill the undergrowth of cedar forests, making a truly splendid sight. After the mitsumata season is over, enchanting white fringed Japanese irises stretch as far as the eye can see from late April to mid-May.

Basic information

NameOriental Paperbush and Fringed Iris Forest
Access(Car) Get on Kyoto Prefectural Route 1 at the Yamaga intersection on National Route 27, go straight to the Fukui Prefecture boundary
TEL0773-42-9550(Ayabe City Tourism Association)
RemarkThe timing of flowers’ blooming varies depending on the temperature.

Access Map